Wednesday, July 10, 2013


That title was done in a Borat voice by the way.

Anyways. I am ready to get this anxiety filled week out of the way so we can head to San Diego for 2 1/2 days of beaches, drinking, and OTL.

Waking up Monday morning I was already freaking out a little bit inside as I thought about all the things I need to do this week. I was also laying there praying everything works out as planned. Then I realized my heart was beating too fast and I was getting a little clam-y so I had to tell myself to calm down.

Anxiety is a bitch. And she seems to visit me every Monday morning.

I mean really and truly a lot of the things I'm worried about going wrong this week are trivial when it all comes down to it. But I'm still gonna freak about it anyways.

This past weekend was fun though. It felt extra long because of the holiday and because I hardly worked on Friday (don't tell my boss). We spent the weekend in total relax mode, watching a million movies on tv and eating out at favorite restaurants. We hung out with the family on Saturday night and watched the pathetic UFC fights. Cough - Silva - Cough Did y'all watch that?!

Mine: Spicy crab, salmon tempura, avocado on top

His: who knows

Misc. dog toy in the background.

Mexican restaurant date

So excited Team America came on tv. He's recording it on his phone in this picture saying "look babe!" 

Doggers love each other

Scruffy booboo

Monday work wear
So I used to be all into UFC. I mean as much as a girl like me can be. Chuck Liddel? Hot. Forrest Griffen. HOT. GSP. HOTT. I used to actually enjoy the fights. But now, I'm either burnt out on the same ol' same ol' or I'm just not attracted to the fighters anymore. Either way, I'm totally not going to the next fight night. I already told Justin. While he's watching the fights I'll be at some restaurant with margarita in hand. Or shopping. Or both.

Anyways, so Sunday was slow. On the brink of me having a teenage breakdown slow. I was boooorrred. Like nothing to do. And I didn't want to go anywhere and spend money so I just opted for lying on the couch and watching  random movies. Again.

Which brings me to this week. I have a really important closing happening that I hope to God closes on time. I have 2 clinical rotations thrown in the mix. I have a paper to write. And then I have my normal job with the University to hold down. Oh, and we owe $46872182 for our wedding this week between all the deposits we due to secure our date with different vendors. And I need to get a spray tan somewhere in between all this drama.

And then, come Friday, I will be whisked away to the land of amazingness a.k.a. San Diego, where I get to watch Justin play in his OTL tourney. Super excited to sit in the sand with one of those premade frozen margaritas in a bag deals and watch some shiz go down. SO ready. SO excite. (also Borat).

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