Monday, July 8, 2013


The evolution of the fashion blogger

I always seem to find a new blog I like right as they're becoming un-relatable. I won't name names, but this usually happens mostly with the fashiony-lifestyle blogs that I love. And it sucks. Balls.

So I'll randomly blog jump around enough one day to actually find a blog that I enjoy reading and looking at their pictures of them and their families and/or outrageously hot husband/boyfriend (let's be honest). I love that they have a cute family life and they're honest about what they do in their free time and they're open about their life's. I love the instagram photos and sort of blurry iphone photos of their outfits. I feel like I know them after like 30 seconds of looking at their about me page.

I love finding a blog where it's mostly real life photos of their weekend adventures, what they ate, and what their plans are for the week, mixed with one or two "what I'm wearing" posts. I also love when those "what I'm wearing" posts have clothes in them that I can actually afford and duplicate. Bring on the Forever 21's and Marshall's dressers of the world. I feel ya sista and I can totally afford your look. And I'm going to copy it tomorrow.

But it's like seriously. As soon as I get hooked on this girl's blog and start visiting and reading every day it's like all of a sudden they become really rich and start wearing more and more designer brands. First they throw in one Kate Spade bag with their Old Navy look. And I'm like "that's cute, I wonder if TJMaxx has a similar one on sale right now?" And then the next post is like full blown Jimmy Choo with Gucci dress. What the? What is that? You know you notice it too.

And they never revert back to their old selves. And then the next thing I know they're being featured in Marie Claire for their fashion sense.

When I worked for a minor league baseball team, the guys on the team had a saying for this phenomenon. "Major leaguing". They would say this about teammates who would get called up to the majors and all of a sudden couldn't even return a phone call or a wave for that matter because now they were too good to talk to minor leaguers.

I get major leagued a lot in this here blog world. It's like "welp, I'm at 1,000 followers so I should probably break out the old Louboutins (I had to google how to spell that just now) and Phillip Lim."

And then I can't even stand reading their blogs any more because it becomes less stories and real life and more fashion posts with professional photographs and fancy clothes and I can no longer relate. Gone are the fun photos of their weekend bbq's and in their place are 10 photos with the same pose in an outfit that I will probably never be able to afford. Did y'all just hit the lottery or something? Or were you just saving all your money all this time to afford this shiz?

This happens to me ALL the time. I'm cursed. I'm almost afraid to start following fashion lifestyle blogs anymore because I know that just around the corner from their Gap closet is the exit for YSL.

I don't know, maybe it's just me. It's not all of them that do this and I have a steady blog roll of people I love who have stayed true to their cheaper selves. And I love you for that. Thanks for staying in my realm of play and for keeping it relatable. High five.

1 comment:

  1. I seriously was LOL reading this bahaha Glad I'm not the only one to A. Doesn't know how to spell louboutins and B. Is all about some bargain buying. You preach it girl.
