Friday, June 28, 2013


 What a good looking couple!

Our future wedding venue: The New Children's Museum, San Diego
Happy dogger-do!

 First time all dressed up for school. Scrubbies!

My little Brady Dog sleeping on his new favorite toy.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Hi! I've started yet another blog. Again. For the 6863214th time. Jesus. One of these days I'll actually stick with it and I'm hoping this is one of those times. Bear with me people.

I have been inspired to start a blog again because of all the exciting things happening right now in my life. Exciting and crazy. Wedding planning, starting radiology school, juggling two jobs, and mixing all of that with the every day crazy. I need a place organize my thoughts and clear my head. Stat.

So boom. Blog. Signed, sealed, and delivered to you. And me.

This blog is about my life, school, work, fashion, and whatever else comes to mind. I hope you enjoy reading all about it and look forward to your comments. Yay!